Hays is Prout Employer 2022
With our new partner PrOUT@work, we advocate for more tolerance in the workplace
Almost half of all LGBTIQ+ people in Germany are afraid to come out at work - with negative consequences for productivity. After all, if you have to hide all the time, you can't fully develop your own potential. That's why we at Hays have long been committed to creating a working environment that is colorful, tolerant and appreciative. That's why we evaluate our employees based on their performance and behavior - not on their gender, age, ethnicity, religion, health condition, social background or sexuality. With PrOUT@work, the leading think tank for consulting on and shaping LGBTIQ+ issues in the work environment, we have now found a strong partner company for this purpose. We are excited about the exchange with the other member companies and look forward to many joint events and projects. "Our Pride Network and its Allies have been with us for a long time on our journey towards a more open and appreciative corporate culture," says Christoph Niewerth, COO and Business Sponsor of the Diversity Council at Hays. "We look forward to gaining even more momentum in the future through our partnership with PrOUT@work and working together to promote greater tolerance in the workplace."

Frank Gelhausen (Project Manager Diversity & Inclusion, on the left side) and Albert Kehrer (Chairman of the Board of PROUT AT WORK-FOUNDATION, on the right side) are pleased about the corporate partnership.