Bald ist es so weit und du startest bei Hays! Zu den ersten Tagen hast du vielleicht noch Fragen? Hier haben wir die Antworten für dich!
Where and when does it start?
Simply report to reception in Vienna at the agreed time and our colleagues from People & Culture will accompany you throughout the day.
What working materials are provided?
You will be given a laptop and a company mobile phone (iPhone) on your first day at work.
How and where does the familiarisation process take place and how long does it last?
On your first day, you will attend a Welcome Day together with all new starters from the month, where you will get to know our business model and us as a company better. In the weeks that follow, you will be prepared for your future role at Hays depending on your position. Your induction will consist of classroom sessions, online training and web-based training, most of which you will complete during the first month. At the same time, your mentor or manager will provide you with on-the-job training.
How is communication within the company?
We have a cross-hierarchical "you" culture - management is also on a first-name basis.
Where will my 1st day take place?
If you are working at a location other than Vienna, our Q&S team will organise the journey for you. They or your mentor will get in touch with you about this. They are always available to answer any questions you may have.
How do I get my job/climate ticket?
Vienna: You will receive your job/climate ticket on Welcome Day. If you already have an annual pass from Wiener Linien, you can return it to any information and ticket centre after receiving your new Jobticket and the remaining amount will be refunded by Wiener Linien.
Graz: Your Jobticket will be available for collection at Graz Holding from the first day. If you already have an annual pass for public transport in Graz, send us the invoice and a copy of the ticket to empfang-wien@hays.at and you will receive the monthly instalment with your payslip.
Do I have a permanent workplace?
Thanks to our flexible office and working culture, there are no fixed workstations in our offices (shared-desk policy). You can use our workplace booking system to book in individually in advance. Your mentor will do this for you on your first day.
Are car parking facilities available at the branches?
There is no on-site car park, but our branches are centrally located so that they can be easily reached by public transport.
Flexible Work
Is there a flexible working time model or do working hours have to be documented?
We work with a flexible flexitime model without core hours. Due to legal requirements, all employees document their working hours independently in a browser and app-based tool.
Is it possible to work from home and when?
Thanks to our digital working culture, our employees can also work from home. A stronger on-site presence is required during the familiarisation period, after which home office days can be arranged individually with the manager.
Is there a dress code in the office and for customer appointments?
When it comes to dress code, our motto at Hays is: Dress smart. This means that we dress appropriately for the situation at hand. A professional appearance of our employees is very important to us, as they represent Hays and our services to the outside world. Of course, it is still important to us that our employees feel comfortable and not "dressed up". Talk to your mentor about the dress code in the respective department or team. They can certainly give you more tips.
Are there free drinks in the offices?
Coffee, tea, milk (alternatives) and water are available in all Hays offices.